Top 5 Best Things About Grayson
Grayson, Georgia is the ultimate small town. With just under 3,000 residents, you get to know your neighbors pretty quickly. Even so, it’s just a short drive away from big city living — though you would never know it just by visiting. It is almost a testimony to days when times were simpler and a Coke cost a nickel.
Living Environments That Reduce Stress in Seniors
When you have lived in the same home for many years, it can be stressful to make a move. It can be tough if you are dealing with ailing health or memory problems. However, there are ways to reduce stress in your new location. Dogwood Forest communities use scientific research to ensure our residents are not dealing with too much stress, besides perhaps what haircut to get from our salon.
Dogwood Forest Is Set Apart: It’s Simple Science
Dogwood Forest Assisted Living Communities operates communities all over the Metro Atlanta area. This is one of the most competitive markets for assisted living, so Dogwood Forest has taken a different approach. Every aspect of their communities, down to even the furniture in the common areas, has been thoroughly researched to be optimal for seniors.
Finding the Right Post-Hospital Care for Seniors
For younger people, a trip to the hospital often results in a simple discharge, maybe a couple of days of rest, and then continuing with life as usual. But for seniors, the recovery process is often much longer. They may need physical therapy, nursing care, and other services to fully recover. Many seniors find their health worsens without professional assistance after a hospital visit.
Alzheimer’s Care at Dogwood Forest: 5 Ways We Fight Dementia
When your loved one is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, it’s important to ensure they have the proper care they need to keep them active, happy, and safe. The medical community has discovered that the onset and progression of Alzheimer’s disease can be delayed by an average of six years by incorporating clinically proven non-drug therapies, even after the disease has begun.
What Makes Grayson a Great Community?
Outside of the hubbub of Lawrenceville in Gwinnett County, you will find the sleepy town of Grayson. It has long been a destination for those who may work in Atlanta or other larger cities as a respite and a great place to get away from all the noise at the end of the day. With under 3,000 people living here, Grayson is the definition of “Small-town America.” Here, everyone knows your name — including Mayor Allison Wilkerson.
Getting to Know Grayson
Grayson, Georgia is a small town tucked away in the southeast corner of Gwinnett County. With a population of fewer than 3,000, the town is one in which everyone knows your name — including the mayor.
Preparing for a New Life at an Assisted Living Community
When you or a loved one decides it’s time to move into an assisted living community, there are many factors you may have to consider. What will happen to the house? Will you be able to bring pets with you? Should you look into memory care, or are you able to live independently?
Is Assisted Living Right For Your Mom?
When it comes to choosing the right care for your aging mom, you have a lot of decisions in front of you. Deciding between them can be daunting, and you might wonder if assisted living is really the best choice. Will your mother be better off living in an assisted living community instead of staying with you or another caregiver?
Who Cares for the Caregivers?
More often than not, the people who do the behind-the-scenes work are overlooked. They are the ones that hold the pieces together and make things look like they’re going to be fine. In the case of Assisted Living, Caregivers are these people. They are the ones that hold it together for the families and residents that they serve. They are the ones that pour their heart and souls out every day to make sure everyone is taken care of.